Friday, February 22, 2008

KnitML knitting code

I have recently discovered the Craft:zine website and have been spending my downtime at work browsing past entries and feeling very inspired to get making stuff again (I began a part-time architecture course at Ryerson's Continuing Education school and it's been taking a fair bit of my spare time and focus). I came across somethingin one of the entries from December that I just had to pass on as something that could develope into a very useful tool for us knitters. It's the KnitML standardized pattern format. It promises to:
  • Render a pattern in either written directions or a chart, dependent on a preference setting
  • Render a pattern in any language, using conventions familiar to that language and dialect
  • Validate that a pattern is physically possible to knit (eliminating some types of errata)
  • Automatically convert English measurements to and from metric measurements
  • Size a pattern up or down to any size, not just the sizes that come with the pattern
  • Recalculate a pattern for your gauge rather than the one that came with the pattern
  • Explicitly write out mathematically complex directions (e.g., "increase 34 stitches evenly over 171 stiches")
  • Alter the pattern using an easy-to-use graphical editor (or create new KnitML-based pattern from scratch)
  • Preview the result of a pattern using graphics
  • Integrate into your favorite knitting software (such as Sweater Wizard)
  • Digitally sign the pattern to guarantee original authenticity

Pretty cool, eh? They've got a version 1.0 up on the website and ready for download and testing. I think I'll play around with it sometime this weekend.

Until next we knit!



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