Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I was browsing the TreeHugger 2007 Gift Guide this week and, among a number of cool things, I came up with this: the Owen Farm Adopt-a-sheep program. For $125USD or $160CAD you can be the proud owner of a sheep without all the hassle of having to take care of it. You get an adoption certificate, 7 seasonal visits to the farm to cuddle your sheep, 6 letters from the farm, a storage binder, photo journal, and Sheep Year Calendar to record your experiences on aforementioned visits, an invitation to shearing day, your own sheep's fleece (raw, but they will wash and card it for an extra fee), a picture of your sheep, pedigree information and history of your sheep, a phone call when your sheep goes into labour, and an invitation to the End-of-the-Sheep-Year party. How cool is that! If I knew someone who would be willing to drop $160 on a single gift for me, and if we had a car that could survive multiple trips to New England, I would so ask for that for Christmas! Sigh. I'll just have to wait a while before I can vicariously live the life of a sheep farmer.

Until next we knit!



At 12:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sheep idea is a great one for people who don't live in the country and can't have their own livestock! Although it isn't a sheep, it is sheep related ... your final SP11 parcel has been sent to you, and should be arriving early next week.


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